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Teacher in Exeter, DevonAssistant Building Services Supervisor in Birmingham, West MidlandsPlayworker in Exeter, DevonHR Administrator in Holton, Oxford, OxfordshireTeacher of Science in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United KingdomTeacher of Learning Development (Maternity Cover) in Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, OxfordshireKitchen Assistant (with driving responsibilities) in Exeter, DevonKitchen Assistant (with driving responsibilities) in Exeter, DevonKitchen Assistant (with driving responsibilities) in Exeter, DevonCleaner in Exeter, DevonHR Business Partner in Oxford, OxfordshireHR Business Partner in Oxford, OxfordshireSenior IT/AV Technician in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United KingdomHead of Faculty – Performing Arts, Music Specialist in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, United KingdomTeaching Assistant in Exeter, DevonTeaching Assistant in Exeter, DevonMealtime Assistant in Exeter, DevonMealtime Assistant in Exeter, DevonMealtime Assistant in Exeter, DevonKitchen Manager in Exeter, Devon