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Powered By theEducationCollective
Jobs In Schools
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About Us

Jobs In Schools is a joint venture between a number of different organisations.

It is a not for profit collaboration aimed at providing a cost effective way of advertising job vacancies for schools.

The following organisations are involved in providing the service, if you wish to post your own vacancies on this website the the easiest way is to join one of these organisations as their members enjoy free and unlimited use of the website.

An Estimated Saving for Schools of £25,689,300 So Far...

In late 2015 various press agencies quoted an estimated cost of £300 per school per vacancy.

Multiplying that figure by the number of vacancies we have posted since our launch in early December 2015 suggests a potential saving to schools of £25,689,300

This figure is probably not a reality for schools yet as they will also be posting in other locations while we become established, but it does demonstrate what we hope to achieve in time.